Proviz work with a large number of Running and Cycling Clubs all over the world. We absolutely love what they do for our communities and know how much work, often on a voluntary basis, goes into them. For this reason, Proviz offer 15% off all products for clubs.

We also work with other sports clubs, not just cycling and running, so please don't hesitate to get in contact if you feel the discount code will be useful for your members

To get your discount code which you can share with your club members, please contact and within 24 hours we will set you up with a 15% discount code you can use on an ongoing basis that you can offer out to your members.

To make it simple to share the discount with your club, we will send you an e-flyer with the code which is easily up-loadable to WhatsApp groups, social media and email for whichever is your preferred group communication.

If you are interested in custom clothing for your club, please contact - we can work in a number of different ways, from adding your logos to bespoke products.